(774) 488-9844
Notecards Paintings - "In My Eyes" - FAF-18
Notecards Paintings - "King of the Mountain" - FAF - 17
Gift Card - Puffins at Play FAF16
Notecards Paintings - "Eyes Wide Open" - FAF - 15
Notecards Paintings - "Elemental" - FAF - 13
Notecards Paintings - "City That Doesn't Sleep" - FAF - 14
Notecards Paintings - "Francis of Assisi" - FAF - 12
Notecards Paintings - Christmas 6-Pack
Notecards Paintings - "Winter 6-Pack"
Notecards Paintings - "Holiday 6-Pack"
Notecards Paintings - "Fall 6-Pack"
Notecards Paintings - "Out of the Woods" - FAF - 11
Notecards Paintings - "Our Lady of Guadalupe" - FAF -10
Notecards Paintings - "Frida and Friends" - FAF - 09
Notecards Paintings - "Wings of Thunder, Lightning Eyes" - FAF - 08
Notecards Paintings - Feathered Maiden - FAF - 07
Notecards Paintings - "October Night" - FAF -06
Notecards Paintings - "Imagine" - FAF - 05
Notecards Paintings - "Early Fall at the Barn" - FAF - 04
Notecards Paintings - "Lost in the Crowd" - FAF - 03
Notecards Paintings - "My Wildest Dreams" - FAF - 02
Canvas Large - "Cats Wishing on Stars"
Matted Print - "Puffins at Play"
Notecards Paintings - "Went Fishin', Caught A Mermaid" - FAF - 01
Canvas Large - "Puffins at Play"
Notecards Paintings - "Gnome With Sunflower" - G - 8
Canvas Large - "Wings of Thunder-Lightning Eyes"
Canvas Large - "Kokopelli"
Matted Print - "Seabiscuit"
Canvas Large - "Seabiscuit"
Notecards Paintings - "Summer Solstice" - N - 19
Notecards Paintings - "Zentangle Pot of Flowers" - N-19
Notecards Paintings - "Gnoming in The Rain" - G - 13
Notecards Paintings - "Gnomes in Love" - G - 10
Notecards Paintings - "Gnome in Fall" - G-7
Notecards Paintings - "Gnome in the Garden" - G-4
Notecards - "Gnome on a Magic Carpet" - G-3
Notecards Paintings - "Many Faces" - F-8
B-17 - The Three of Us
Notecards Paintings - "Winter Robin" - B-08
Canvas Large - "Pelicans on Parade"
Matted Print - "Early Fall at the Barn"
Matted Print - "Annie. A Self Portrait"
Matted Print - "In My Eyes"
Matted Print - "Imagine"
Matted Print - "Birds of a Feather"
Matted Print - "Bluebirds Sing Because They Can"
Matted Print - "King of the Mountain"
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