(774) 488-9844
Wearable Art - WA-22
Wearable Art - WA-7
O-6 Main Street
G-15 - Best Friends
B-22 - Winter White Owl
Wearable Art - WA-2
Wall Art - Weave 4 - "Candy Land"
Wall Art - Weave 7 - "Just Before Sunset"
Wall Art - Pierce's Beach Inspired "Early Morning"
Wall Art- Pierce's Beach Inspired "Walking on Riverside"
Beach Art Painting
Resin Artworks "Dazed and Confused"
O-4 Feeding the Ducks
F-13A "Self Portrait 1"
A-8 "Fox in the Woods"
Wall Art - Weave 10 - Peacock
Book - Conversations with a River
Resin Painting Swirls of Spring
Resin Artworks Santa Fe Sunset
I-12 "Wishin on a Star"
F-13 "Self Portrait 2"
G-14 "Patriotic Gnome"
N-18 "Fishzilla"
O-3 Lighthouse in Greece
S-6 Sharing a Sunrise
S-5 Blessings
S-2 "Just the Two of Us"
S-1 "Love This Beach"
N-14 "Burning Embers"
N-9 "Snowy Night"
N-8 "Winter Woods"
N-6 Dragonfly
N-5 "Blue Eyed Sun"
N-4 "Winter Sunrise"
N-2 "Misty Forest"
N-1 "Flight of the Monarch"
Notecards Paintings - "The Setting of the Sun" - NA-2
Notecards Paintings - "Song of our Ancestors" - NA--3
I-3 Protector of Birds
G-18 Gnome Juggling Shamrocks
H-14 Pot 'O Gold
H-13 All My Hearts
G-22 Heart Bouquet
H-7 Easter Singalong
G-20 Home Sweet Gnome
G-21 Gnome Sized Tree
Notecards Paintings - "Christmas Cardinal" B - 23
Notecards Painting - "Looking for Your House" - G-17
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